Monday, May 6, 2024

The design of an Obstetric Telephone Triage Guideline OTTG: a mixed method study Full Text

mixed methods design

This may reflect the general lack of stability in the lives of people who are unhoused or limitations in the appeal of such a program to some portion of the unhoused population. WIC State and local agencies also experienced challenges related to the i-PARIHS subconstruct of time, resources, and support (i.e., presence or absence of sufficient time/resources/support). State agencies felt their ability to successfully implement the CVB changes was often influenced by having enough staff, financial resources, and time to dedicate to implementing the CVB changes. Similarly, local agency staff that made manual updates to food packages noted difficulty finding time to do so in conjunction with other responsibilities and priorities.

Designing a conceptual green process model in software development: A mixed method approach -

Designing a conceptual green process model in software development: A mixed method approach.

Posted: Sat, 18 Nov 2023 05:01:24 GMT [source]


Besides the three basic mixed method designs—exploratory sequential, explanatory sequential, and convergent parallel—you can use one of the four advanced frameworks to extend mixed methods research designs. For example, if a quantitative survey yields one result while a qualitative interview yields another, mixed methods research can help identify what factors influence these differences by integrating data from both sources. To reach a target goal of 105 participants receiving basic income through Miracle Money, recruitment efforts have yielded more than 200 individuals in each treatment group.

Table 1

mixed methods design

Research shows that exposure to a variety of healthy foods promotes the development of healthy food preferences early and that continues later in life (6). Thus, the CVB plays a critical role in providing millions of WIC participants nationwide with healthy foods that can address key nutritional gaps through early childhood (7). However, the CVB monthly amount must be sufficient to make notable impacts on WIC participants’ diets (8, 9). Despite the recognised strengths and benefits of doing mixed-methods research, there is still only a limited number of nursing and related-health research publications using such this approach. Researchers need training in how to design, conduct, analyse, synthesise and disseminate mixed-methods research. Most importantly, they need to consider appropriate research questions that can be addressed using a mixed methods approach to add to our knowledge in evidence-based practice.

3 Data analysis

Integration of the two data sources then occurs with consideration is given to the weighting of both sources; these can either be equal or one can be prioritized over the other. Designed as a guide for novice mixed methods researchers, this chapter gives an overview of the historical and philosophical roots of mixed methods research. We also provide a practical overview of its application in health research as well as pragmatic considerations for those wishing to undertake mixed methods research.

The theoretical drive creates dependencies, because the supplemental component y is performed and interpreted within the context and the theoretical drive of core component x. As a general rule in designing mixed methods research, one should examine and plan carefully the ways in which and the extent to which the various components depend on each other. Dependence indicates whether the implementation of one component depends upon the results of data analysis of the other component. As we will see in the example case studies, a concurrent design could include dependent data analysis, and a sequential design could include independent data analysis. It is conceivable that one simultaneously conducts interviews and collects questionnaire data (concurrent), while allowing the analysis focus of the interviews to depend on what emerges from the survey data (dependence).

Being strictly focused on the most autonomous principles of legitimacy, they are unable to accommodate and have no choice but to reject the orthodoxy. Their only hope is to engage in heterodox innovations that may one day become the new orthodoxy. A fruitful starting point in trying to resolve divergence through abduction is to determine which component has resulted in a finding that is somehow expected, logical, and/or in line with existing research. The results of this research component, called the “sense” (“Lesart”), are subsequently compared to the results of the other component, called the “anti-sense” (“alternative Lesart”), which are considered dissonant, unexpected, and/or contrary to what had been found in the literature.

2 WIC administrative data

The common complexity of mixed methods design poses a problem to the above typologies of mixed methods research. The typologies were designed to classify whole mixed methods studies, and they are basically based on a classification of simple designs. Complex designs are sometimes labeled “complex design”, “multiphase design”, “fully integrated design”, “hybrid design” and the like. Because complex designs occur very often in practice, the above typologies are not able to classify a large part of existing mixed methods research any further than by labeling them “complex”, which in itself is not very informative about the particular design.

The space of position takings, in turn, provides the framework to study the most salient issues that are debated within the subfield. Since we can consider MMR to be an emerging subfield, where positions and position takings are not as clearly defined as in more mature and settled fields, it comes as no surprise that there is a lively discussion of fundamental matters. It should be clear to the reader that, although much progress has been made in the area of mixed methods design typologies, the problem remains in developing a single typology that is effective in comprehensively listing a set of designs for mixed methods research.

mixed methods design


This is why we emphasize in this article the importance of learning to build on simple designs and construct one’s own design for one’s research questions. This will often result in a combination or “hybrid” design that goes beyond basic designs found in typologies, and a methodology section that provides much more information than a design name. Although this distinction is useful in some circumstances, we do not advise to apply it to every mixed methods design. First, Morse and Niehaus contend that the supplemental component can be done “less rigorously” but do not explain which aspects of rigor can be dropped. In addition, the idea of decreased rigor is in conflict with one key theme of the present article, namely that mixed methods designs should always meet the criterion of multiple validities legitimation (Onwuegbuzie and Johnson 2006).

The studies were conducted in accordance with the local legislation and institutional requirements. Figure 3 showcases issuance and redemption per participant for the 4 months before the $35/child/month, four months of the optional $35/child/month increase, and the first 4 months of the mandatory $24/child/month. During the change to $35/child/month, there was a stable increase in issuance (average $32.78/participant issued) and redemption (average $20.31/participant redeemed) amounts, but both sharply decreased in the first month of the $24/child/month ($19.38/participant issued vs. $12.46/participant redeemed).

To get ahead of the discussion, these problems have to do with the framing of MMR as a distinct methodology and its specific conceptualization of data and methods of data analysis. We argue that these problems hinder fruitfully combining methods in a practical understanding of social scientific research. Finally, we conclude with some tentative proposals for an alternative view on combining methods. The sixth design dimension or consideration is whether a design will be fully specified during the planning of the research study or if the design (or part of the design) will be allowed to emerge during the research process, or a combination of these. One sort of complexity mentioned was multilevel designs, but there are many complexities that can enter designs.

As a further indication of institutionalization, a research association (the Mixed Methods International Research Association—MMIRA) was founded in 2013 and its inaugural conference was held in 2014. Prior to this, there have been a number of conferences on MMR or occasions on which MMR was presented and discussed in other contexts. An example of the first is the conference on mixed method research design held in Basel in 2005.

Of course, this difference is a matter of degree, as even the works produced at the most heteronomous positions still have to adhere to the standards of the scientific field to be seen as legitimate. But within each discipline this dimension captures the difference between agents predominantly engaged in fundamental, scholarly work—“production solely for the producers”—and agents more involved in applied lines of research. The main component of the expected profit from innovation in the first case is scientific, whereas in the second case the balance tends to shift towards more temporal profits. Innovations can be radical or revolutionary in a rational sense, but they tend to originate from questions raised by the orthodoxy of the field.

In the mixed methods literature, various typologies of mixed methods designs have been proposed (for an overview see Creswell and Plano Clark 2011, p. 69–72). This design involves collecting quantitative data and then taking action, usually in the form of an intervention or intervention program. An example of this could be a research team who collects data from a group of participants, evaluates it, and then implements an intervention program based on their findings. Researchers could begin by collecting quantitative data through surveys to get an overall view of the participants' levels of physical activity and mental health. Qualitative interviews would follow this to explore the underlying dynamics of participants' experiences of exercise, physical activity, and mental health in greater detail. In an explanatory sequential design, quantitative data is collected first, followed by qualitative data.

The authors would like to express their gratitude to the expert advisory panel members and the WIC State and local agencies and caregivers of WIC participants that participated in the study. In view of the brief exploration of the indicators of institutionalisation of MMR, it seems reasonable to conclude that MMR has become a recognizable and fairly institutionalized strand of research with its own identity and profile within the social scientific field. The establishment of these institutions supports the autonomization of MMR and its emancipation from the field in which it originated, but in which it continues to be embedded. This way, it can be viewed as a semi-autonomous subfield within the larger field of the social sciences and as the result of a differentiation internal to this field (Steinmetz 2016, p. 109). It is a space that is clearly embedded within this higher level field; for example, members of the subfield of MMR also qualify as members of the overarching field, and the allocation of the most valuable and current form of capital is determined there as well.

Sunday, May 5, 2024

What is interior design? The principles and concepts explained

interior design meaning

This is particularly true at the higher end of the market, where projects may last for years, and the designer must partner with the client to create the lifestyle of the client’s dreams. Today, interior designers are the backbone of the world’s visual arts industry – kitting out the world’s hotels, restaurants, bars and pubs and creating remarkable homes. The energy and attitude of a space denote the different styles of interior design. From more sober and calm styles–such as nordic, classic, mid-century, modern or minimalist–to more complex and stylized styles such as art deco, eclectic, kitsch, and vintage. Gocke Wyre emphasizes how important advocacy is in the field—to protect the general public and designers too. It’s important to understand how design impacts life and how interior designers fit into our ever-changing world.

Popular in Grammar & Usage

Using texture in interior design – how professionals harness it to add depth and dimension to a room - Homes & Gardens

Using texture in interior design – how professionals harness it to add depth and dimension to a room.

Posted: Fri, 07 May 2021 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Hicks broke the mold and went against traditionally stuffy and pretentious English decorating practices and went on to become a master of unexpected yet cohesive mixes. His eclectic interiors often featured a distinct juxtaposition of riotous colors, patterns, fabrications, and design styles that were alluring and impressive feats. Belonging to the school of modernism, Scandinavian interior design is a design movement characterized by a focus on functionalism and simplicity. It also includes the use of natural materials, such as leather, wood, and hemp. Furthermore, a Scandinavian interior design is often influenced by a connection to nature, which combines natural shapes, abstraction, and the use of natural elements.

interior design meaning

Geographic Connection of Interiors

Some historians point to the rise of needing interior designers who understood how to mix different design styles with authority for the sharp increase of designers in the industry as eclectic style took over aesthetic inspiration. Embodied by a formal spirit, traditional interior design is still a mainstay to this day. Traditional interior design is a broad term that highlighting varied design styles and movement’s that aren’t nailed down to one locked direction or spirit. After all, understanding the human being in its physiological, anatomical, and psychological dimensions will help us achieve a high level of comfort, all while respecting diversity and differences.

What is maximalism? Interior designers share why they love this brave style - Homes & Gardens

What is maximalism? Interior designers share why they love this brave style .

Posted: Sat, 30 Mar 2024 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Interior Design with Curved Lines

Planner5D, Autodesk, SketchUp, and Homestyler are popular visualization and planning tools for interior decoration and design. Many of these software also provide collaboration assistance, visualization, floor planning guides, and 2D and 3D modeling, while some can even estimate material costs. As the name implies, the bohemian style is the most creative, spontaneous, and unconventional of the interior design styles. Playful styles and patterns are thrown together, with contrasting textures, woods, metals, and colors. Elements of different cultures and artistic expressions are found in the same rooms and warm earthy colors are embraced.

Through home interior design schools online, you can explore the essence of interior design and gain a deep understanding of the meaning and purpose behind transforming spaces. His interiors were crisp and flawless, and unlike his contemporaries, he worked with client’s existing furnishings and repurposed them with an instinctual drive. From a remarkable refresh of Cole Porter’s Waldorf Towers apartment to Jackie O’s Skorpios compound, to Diana Vreeland’s richly layered red Park Avenue living room, meticulous attention to scale and proportion were a driving force for Baldwin.

Use of space / space planning

Appliances like smart TVs, automated airconditioners, and automatic washing machines are part of interiors. Cross ventilation and sunlight arrangements make the place feel like the person is close to nature. The colonial era (250 years ago) saw the western powers’ introduction to India. Good space planning is all about how your rooms will flow and can have a serious impact on the quality of your life – imagine having mobility issues and this not being taken into consideration when designing your home from scratch.

This obviously involves less one-to-one contact, but does mean that a designer needs to be able to read their clients’ needs quickly and accurately. Architecture includes interior design but it is focused more on the aesthetics of the exterior of the building, taking care of the structure. Nature is beauty par excellence, but there is no untouched nature to be found in cities. That’s why the way we design and build cities is what determines the beauty of an urban landscape. We caught up with Patricia to learn more about interior design, including the differences between disciplines such as decoration and architecture. Within the field of interior design, there are a wealth of career options and NYSID makes teaching presentation skills and professional practice a priority.

Combined with technology and artificial intelligence, interior design mobile apps are present that can create a perfect look and feel for an area based on the dimensions and its use. The results are satisfactory for occupants, and work becomes less hectic for interior designers. It is an art, and one has to develop skills to portray art and science in their work. Over the decades, the concept of various types of interior design styles came into existence.

Early historical timeline of interior designs

But it’s at the mid-price point that designers can really earn their fee. By knowing the well-priced but fabulous materials that are rarely used, a designer can give their client an original design that stands out from the crowd. Going back to the Oxford Dictionary definition of what interior design is, you’ll recall ‘art’ was mentioned. In order to create original art, it is important to know the work of the masters that have gone before. “Being able to listen and put yourself in the place of an occupant is what leads to an elevated, human-centric experience, and that’s what interior design is all about,” she says.

Modern art pairs with more minimalist furniture in this living room designed by Brad Ramsey. This dining room designed by Brad Ramsey mixes elements seen in farmhouse, modern, and minimalist homes. Interior designers bring all the modern and trendy technology to your place.

Minimalism doesn’t have to come without color, as evident from this home designed by Ishka Designs. A traditional den outfitted in shades of green designed by Elizabeth Ghia. “I’ve always believed that architecture is more important than decoration. Scale and proportion give everlasting satisfaction that cannot be achieved by only icing the cake,” he famously said.

Having a good decorated and designed infrastructure will improve the value of the place. These portray daily human activities like eating, sleeping, hunting, and celebrations. But the remains of their greatness and designs are still found in literature and early historical texts like Mahabharata and Ramayana. In tricky areas, such as rooms with very low ceilings, they will have a working knowledge of what lights are available on the market for specialist needs or know who to ask for guidance. Some excellent books to explore to get caught up on the history of design from past to present include Early Art and Architecture of Africa (Oxford History of Art) by Peter Garlake. “Whether it's for a furnishing project or a full remodel, it's best to contact a designer at the earliest stages,” says Molly Torres Portnof, principal designer and founder of AD PRO Directory firm DATE Interiors, of Long Beach, New York.

The look is often seen as a close cousin to Scandinavian or Japanese interiors, where both cultures have long embraced a less-is-more ideology. Spaces that fall within a minimalist design aesthetic are typically defined by clean lines, limited ornamentation, a neutral color scheme, and natural materials. And although this may be an accurate way to describe our contemporary understanding of minimalist house design, there is much more to it than just this. Interior designers have many responsibilities tied to potential spaces and their respective clients. Fictional interior decorators include the Sugarbaker sisters on Designing Women and Grace Adler on Will & Grace.

We have spoken extensively about comfort in interior spaces for the past few years. Environmental quality indoors is essential in an increasingly dense and populous world, and an uncomfortable, unsafe, or unhealthy interior space can be tremendously harmful to people's physical and mental health, considering that we spend so much of our lives in it. Whether fixed or mobile, furniture directly influences the quality of any interior project.

A master of practical decoration punctuated with bold hues, prints, and well-judged curation, a survey of Baldwin’s work demonstrates how relevant his work remains to this day. And since eclectic interior design is all about experimentation and play, do have fun with the freedom it allows. Throughout the Industrial Revolution interior design was available for a wider audience and was easier to access for the general population than ever before. This is in large part due to easier printing processes creating a wide distribution of fashion and lifestyle publications and the fact that luxury items became increasingly attainable. For someone interested in incorporating contemporary interior design into their home, understanding the building blocks of the style is important.

Friday, May 3, 2024

Human Design Gate 28 Gene Key 28 The Game Player

gate 28 human design

By understanding and applying these principles, we can navigate life's challenges with deeper insight, uncovering the profound meaning and purpose inherent in our experiences. It may seem like life is so much more difficult for them than it is for others. To a certain degree, if people with Gate 28 are not following their strategy by type, this can be true. If you have this energy and you live your strategy, you will engage in the correct struggle, and these struggles will help you discover and share the meaning of life.

Gates 34-57, Power Channel

gate 28 human design

Overall, while the energy of Gate 28 can present certain health challenges, with proper management, it can also lead to a profound understanding of one’s health and wellbeing. Another challenge of Gate 28 is the potential to become too self-absorbed or detached from reality in their search for meaning. It is important for these individuals to balance their introspection with engagement in the world. They should not let their search for meaning isolate them from their relationships, career, or daily responsibilities. The Not-Self of Gate 28, when you are not following your type’s strategy and inner authority, makes decisions from the mind. Not following your strategy, and authority will lead you to take dangerous risks, fail to develop, and become increasingly frustrated- even putting yourself and others in harm’s way.

Guide to the 64 Gates & 36 Channels in Your Human Design Chart

Failing to trusts in your own intuition due to a lack of evidence can to frustration and bitterness. The energy of this gate is driven by a desire to realise creative dreams and fantasies. Thirst for adventure, and an impulse or pressure to try new ways of doing things, or a novel experience. A strong sense of justice and finding meaning and fulfilment through campaigning for these ideals.

Gates 11-56, Curiosity Channel

gate 28 human design

They may engage in activities such as meditation, journaling, or counseling to facilitate their self-discovery process. Awareness helps those with Gate 38 determine who or what they should invest their energy in. Thus enabling them to better assess the health and safety of whatever they consider worth fighting for. Without Gate 38, we may fall victim to unnecessary pressure to fight or struggle, experiencing endless resistance, and exhaustion.

Human Design Gate 9 Explained

Balenciaga is being accused of promoting child abuse in its latest campaign. Here's why the luxury brand is in hot water - ABC News

Balenciaga is being accused of promoting child abuse in its latest campaign. Here's why the luxury brand is in hot water.

Posted: Mon, 28 Nov 2022 08:00:00 GMT [source]

Gates reach half way across a channel, so when only half a channel is defined, it actually relates to one gate being defined and the other open. Individual channels represent a specific theme or fundamental and essential aspect of experiencing life as a human being, within the framework of Human Design. There are 36 different channels in Human Design, and they can be split into three frequency categories, known as circuitry or circuit groups, which can also be further divided into sub-circuits. Individual channels represent a specific theme or fundamental aspect of experiencing life as a human being. Powerful intuitive awareness, possibly based on clairaudience; a deep knowing, often compared to psychic abilities.

Gate 12 – Caution / Expression Through Art

Every gate energy belongs to particular circuitry within the chart, which is like an electrical circuit board. This circuitry shows the evolutionary role of the gate energy and how the energy moves through the chart. In the vast realm of Human Design, Gate 28, also known as the Gate of the Game Player or Preponderance of the Great, holds a significant place. This gate is part of the Spleen Center, which is responsible for our intuition, survival instincts, and overall well-being. Gate 28 is located at the very top of the Spleen Center, making it a powerful force in shaping our experiences and interactions with the world.

Gates 13-33, Prodigal Channel

With sensitivity to the needs of the community, this energy brings an awareness of emotional and material requirements of those around them, in order to see everyone thrive. Resisting routine as being too pedestrian and dull, the energy of this gate marches to the beat of its own drum. Thrives on variation and spontaneity; believes in the virtue of ‘live and let live’. The irony of the energy of this gate is that despite its capacity for intense focus, concentration can be missing. Tends to exhibit ADHD attributes, unless complementary gate 52 is also defined. The gate of friction discriminates and controls emotions and reproduction, governing when we’re open or closed to intimacy, in romantic and platonic relationships.

Each gate represents a specific potential trait or characteristic, which when defined is activated. As with open centers, gates which remain white are undefined and are a vulnerability in your character. Instead of fighting struggles without purpose, I learned to channel my energy into meaningful challenges.

But I call it The Darkness Whisperer because its primary action is to face the darkness of life by taking conscious risks with courage and tenacity. Sometimes nature uses tension to push things beyond what’s considered safe, like when opposites collide and are lifted to a higher level. A comprehensive report can be an excellent tool to help deepen your relationships. And, newly unique to the market, child reports are now also available to help strengthen your connection with your child, and support their wellbeing.

And, through the mystery of Grace, people seemed to be “healed” in my presence. The first shift in my awareness was that we have a choice in how we handle grief. We can use it as fuel for expanding our consciousness or we can use it to collapse in the face of life. Like so many in the West, I was ill equipped and poorly supported in grief and loss. And despite our rugged attempts at trying, we can’t actually run from the reality of nature.

This gate teaches us the importance of self-care and how it can positively impact our relationships. By understanding our own needs and taking care of ourselves, we can better care for and nourish those around us. The most important way to increase the frequency of Gate 28 is to approach and consciously deal with your fear – especially the fear of death.

When channeled with wisdom, Gate 28 brings the incredible gift of perseverance and the tenacity to pursue true understanding. It reminds us that sometimes, facing life’s challenges head-on can lead to the most profound insights and awakenings. The shadows of this gate can lead to a sense of existential crisis, a feeling that life is void of purpose. It can lure us into taking unnecessary risks just to feel alive or to find a sense of purpose. The Gate 28’s energy also compels individuals to make significant life changes in their quest for meaning.

Thursday, May 2, 2024

7 Product Design Testing Methods and Strategies

design validation

Even if your design validation plan template is great, if you don’t have the right people to implement it, it won’t work. Enterprise products have many short-term and long-term effects on both employees and businesses. Here are some tips and examples to help you design better user experiences.

Design Verification Training

From high-fidelity prototypes to rapid tooling and jigs and fixtures for the assembly line, resin 3D printers can help you speed up the development process and pave the way towards successful manufacturing. In this phase, the initial production line might be replicated to other lines to be run in parallel. A failure and yield analysis on a small percentage of units ensures consistent quality.

Real-world Examples of Design Validation

Bollinger Motors, Majority-Owned by Mullen Automotive, Kicks off 'Design Validation' Pilot Builds - Yahoo Finance

Bollinger Motors, Majority-Owned by Mullen Automotive, Kicks off 'Design Validation' Pilot Builds.

Posted: Wed, 19 Jul 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

But there simply can’t be a point in the process where you’re unsure whether you’ve made the right device and that it’s working correctly. Whatever the case, your design verification activities are intended to prove that you’ve met the requirements of your design inputs. And that’s why the foundation of an effective verification testing process is well-defined design inputs. Design verification and design validation are two essential stages in design controls.

Angels are swept by the Twins, losing for the ninth time in 10 games

Verification is used to make sure that the design has addressed every requirement, while validation is used to prove that the design can meet the requirements set out for it. A simplified way of understanding the difference between design validation and verification is the former ensures that the right product is being built, while the latter ensures that the product is built right. Jesseca Lyons is a Senior Medical Device Guru at Greenlight Guru and a Mechanical Engineer by trade who loves working with cross functional teams, including both engineering and non-engineering disciplines. She’s spent most of her career gathering and defining requirements for new product design and development in the... That’s why at Greenlight Guru, our QMS platform allows you to create detailed design control objects, link complex configurations, and attach documents with a single click.

Selecting Validation Methods

These are both essential aspects of ensuring the medical device can be used safely and effectively. This will often require more testing that will be used on production models. To ensure that all requirements are met, a full set of measurement and tests is done on the validation unit.

design validation

Make use of the insights gathered during the validation process to create better future design validation plans. Encourage the team to provide feedback while learning from one another at all times. Design Validation is a process of evaluating the software product for the exact requirements of end-users or stakeholders. The purpose of design validation is to test the software product after development to ensure that it meets the requirements in terms of applications in the user’s environment. Through design validation, you can ensure a user-friendly design that is meaningful for both the users and the business.

Your design validation objective should outline the various aspects of your product design that you need to validate, such as safety, functionality, compliance with standards, and performance. You can minimize the cost of each of these steps toward mass production by using autonomous analysis and assembly solutions from Launchpad. Our Digitool automated solution performs assembly tasks, including picking, placing, fastening, and dispensing, among others, simplifying your manufacturing process.

Identify The Design Validation Methods to Use

design validation

In this example, design verification checks that your design outputs—such as drawings, specifications, or manufacturing instructions—meet those design inputs. The medical device development tools you choose should add to the accuracy and effectiveness of the work your team is doing, and not add unnecessary overhead to their daily tasks. A good tool provides guard rails to ensure that the important things are always done. It gives your team flexibility to produce ad hoc views and reports to better use (and explore) the data you’ve captured.

Design Validation through Usability Testing

It is used for lab-based user testing with a select group of lead users, to communicate production intent to tooling specialists in subsequent stages, and to act as a demonstrator in the first sales meetings. Rushing to the design verification and validation stages doesn’t actually save you time. It just ensures you’ll spend even more time and energy trying to verify unclear design inputs or validate the poorly defined user needs.

If you’re based in one of the locations above or elsewhere, fill in our Request a Quote form to receive a custom quote, consultation and brand audit from our team. At Digital Silk we have bases across the U.S. and beyond, so you do not have to be located in Los Angeles to receive our graphic design services. Enhance your digital presence with features and designs that transform your visual identity online. Kick it all off with a set of discovery calls and onboarding meetings, where we discuss the project itself and research the wider context. By following a well-trodden path we ensure timely deliveries that exceed expectations. Our LA agency delivers branding services across industries and marketplaces.

We gather and leverage information through tons of different research methods to ensure that we’re focused on the biggest user needs and have a solid understanding of them. With your new information in hand, from pre- or post-product launch, start reviewing. Go back through all your user needs, design inputs, and design outputs. Regardless of when you decide to update the product, the process for making that change is the same. It’s a familiar process because it resembles what you did during design and development.

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This information is derived from the Internet Data Exchange (IDX) service provided by San Diego Multiple Listing Service, Inc. Displayed property listings may be held by a brokerage firm other than the broker and/or agent responsible for this display. The information and any photographs and video tours and the compilation from which they are derived is protected by copyright. Display of MLS data is usually deemed reliable but is NOT guaranteed accurate by the MLS. Buyers are responsible for verifying the accuracy of all information and should investigate the data themselves or retain appropriate professionals. Information from sources other than the Listing Agent may have been included in the MLS data.

Apartments for rent in California

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You should rely on this information only to decide whether or not to further investigate a particular property. BEFORE MAKING ANY OTHER DECISION, YOU SHOULD PERSONALLY INVESTIGATE THE FACTS (e.g. square footage and lot size) with the assistance of an appropriate professional. You may use this information only to identify properties you may be interested in investigating further. All uses except for personal, non-commercial use in accordance with the foregoing purpose are prohibited. Redistribution or copying of this information, any photographs or video tours is strictly prohibited.

Popular rental markets in California

17 vacant homes in old 710 Freeway route to be bought by Pasadena, sold to public - The Pasadena Star-News

17 vacant homes in old 710 Freeway route to be bought by Pasadena, sold to public.

Posted: Fri, 21 Jul 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Unless otherwise specified in writing, Broker/Agent has not and will not verify any information obtained from other sources. The Broker/Agent providing the information contained herein may or may not have been the Listing and/or Selling Agent.

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Property types in Pasadena, CA

Apartments for rent in California

9 Things to Do in Pasadena, CA in 2024 - Redfin Blog

9 Things to Do in Pasadena, CA in 2024.

Posted: Mon, 05 Feb 2024 08:00:00 GMT [source]

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Best L A. Home Decor and Design Shops

house of silent

In between displaying his nude selfies, Republicans professed outrage that Hunter traded on his family name — a timeless habit of the well-connected that never aroused Republicans’ ire when, say, Donald Trump’s family did it. Their obsession with Hunter was so intense that even when the president’s son was indicted on tax and gun charges by the Justice Department, Comer spun it as a cover-up. Again and again, they’d find some new piece of information, rush to the cameras to proclaim that they had located the smoking gun, then watch as their claims collapsed when the mundane truth came out. The president’s brother James Biden gave his brother $200,000 in 2018, Comer breathlessly revealed.

More on Elizabeth Olsen

Still, for most of its run, it works as a suspense thriller, though I’d like for a little less shaking camera and a little less randomness towards the end of the film. Not without its flaws, Silent House is worth watching if only for the stellar performance of Elizabeth Olsen, who proves that her turn in Martha Marcy May Marlene is more than a fluke. Greeted by Uncle Peter (Eric Sheffer Stevens) at the house, where the electricity has conveniently gone out, and by a young woman who claims to have been her friend when they were young girls, Sarah hears suspicious sounds upstairs. Based on director Gustavo Hernandez‘s ultra-low-budget La Casa Muda, which was Uruguay’s submission to the Academy’s foreign-language film competition last year, Silent House  reportedly has been significantly changed since its world premiere at Sundance in January 2011. According to the producers, the last 15 minutes were entirely reshot (so much for the single-take claim), the opening was tightened, dialogue was changed, and the sound was completely remixed. Matthew McConaughey's Killer Joe and Jason Bateman's Disconnect to be first films launched under new banner.

of the Best Home Decor Shops in Los Angeles, According to Top Designers

The actress creeps through the haunted surroundings of an old farm house in this real-time thriller from directors Chris Kentis and Laura Lau. Elizabeth Olsen stars in this thriller as a young woman stranded in a lake house with no contact to the outside world. Elizabeth Olsen stars in this thriller as a woman who begins to go mad after getting stranded at an eerie lake house.

President Biden warns of 'alarming surge of antisemitism' after Columbia University protests

It opened at number 5 at the U.S. box office, earning $6.6 million during its opening weekend; it would go on to gross a total of $12.8 million domestically. The press secretary was also asked what the president’s personal reaction was to the activity taking place on the college campuses and what his message would be to those peacefully protesting. White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters on Wednesday, ‘We can’t be silent here,’ when it comes to the violent rhetoric and physical threats taking place at college campus protests. Lau also wrote the script, which she adapted from the Uruguayan movie The Silent House, by director Gustavo Hernandez. That movie is purported to be based on a true story, which makes the movie’s turn at the end a bit less odd (though it is still unexpected).

Kentucky House clears measure for moment of silence at start of school day - Fox News

Kentucky House clears measure for moment of silence at start of school day.

Posted: Thu, 01 Feb 2024 08:00:00 GMT [source]

house of silent

Much like Open Water, Silent House makes great use of the aforementioned quiet abode of its title, which is a massive, labyrinthine structure set on the side of a lake out in the middle of nowhere. The house is dark on the inside thanks to a lack of electricity and boarded-up windows, and it is full of ominous piles of boxes, renovation materials, and an endless supply of closets, bathrooms, doors, and other assorted nooks and crannies in which to hide (or for trouble to hide in). For the majority of Silent House, she’s on screen by herself, either wandering through the darkness with a lamp while searching for her father or running through the darkness with a flashlight trying to escape. At several points in the movie, she is hiding behind something or under something, quaking with fear and making some of the best scared faces I think I’ve ever seen.

White House mum on whether Biden would send National Guard to Columbia University - Fox News

White House mum on whether Biden would send National Guard to Columbia University.

Posted: Mon, 22 Apr 2024 19:03:44 GMT [source]

In this case, a nubile young woman is trapped inside an apparently haunted house for most of the time, and what you want to shout is, Get out of the damn house! Finally, a little beyond the halfway mark, she does escape, running out the front door and flees, weeping and stumbling, down a country road until her Uncle Peter drives along, and they return to the house and she goes back inside. John, now conscious, is wrapped in plastic and sitting in the living room. Sophia gives Sarah a key to a box containing pedophilic pictures of Sarah as a little girl, implying that John sexually abused her. It is suggested that her recent interactions and hallucinations with the little girl and mystery attacker have been a traumatic repressed memory. Events at the house have caused this memory to reappear, and Sarah is now exacting her revenge.

TikTok owner denies report of profit surge, gets Instagram rival ready

"Students should feel safe. Communities should feel safe, and you know…we can’t stay silent," Jean-Pierre said. "Obviously, it is a deeply painful moment. He sees that. He understands that, and he will always support and believe in free speech and debate and nondiscrimination on college campuses." White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was asked by a reporter during a briefing on Wednesday what the president thinks of how the administration at Columbia University in New York City has been handling the protests. Out of safety concerns, Columbia is holding Monday's classes online instead of in person.

Corruption, however, is something very different — and there’s never been any credible evidence that Biden is corrupt at all. The fruitless quest to find something criminal Biden did is particularly ironic given that Republicans are working so hard to return possibly the most corrupt president in history to the White House. Even now, they support him as he argues to the Supreme Court that presidents must be immune from prosecution for any crimes they might commit while in office. So if they want to find corruption, they know where they can look. Rep. James Comer, R-Ky., no doubt hoped that House Republicans’ efforts to impeach President Joe Biden would end in a glorious victory.

Silent House (

It’s b, of course, and evidently the notion that we’ve been with Sarah this whole time and in real time and didn’t see her hack the shit out of her dad and uncle is received by the audience as a violation. The app has sparked privacy concerns due to ByteDance's alleged ties to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). The company and other critics of the legislation argue that the bill would amount to a ban on the app and would raise concerns about freedom of speech.

If it is, it's the most amazing single take since "Russian Ark," beginning with an overhead crane shot on a lake shore and then traveling down a road and into a house and following the heroine upstairs and downstairs and into the basement. That would take one hell of a cameraman, and there are all kinds of shots where the screen goes dark and cuts could obviously be concealed. A certain technical virtuosity is the signal virtue of Silent House, a creaky haunted house that, once the big twist is revealed, makes very little sense at all. A quick and modest theatrical spin looks to be followed by solid returns in ancillary markets. The film premiered at the Sundance Film Festival in January 2011 and was subsequently purchased by Open Road Films and Universal Pictures for distribution. Silent House premiered in United States theaters on March 9, 2012.

But it turned out to be the repayment of a loan the future president gave James two months before. The fact that the check had “loan repayment” written on it might have been a clue. While speaking at Biden's Earth Day event, applauded "the power of young people shaping the country," pointing to the "peaceful, student-led protests on campuses like Columbia, Yale, Berkeley, and many others."

The dialogue is appropriately sparse, but the familiar relationship between Sarah’s father and uncle is well-handled in limited interaction. More than many previous imperiled heroines in screen history, Olsen’s Sarah keeps her wits about her for a while, not entirely freaking out when phones don’t work and she realizes she’s effectively locked in. It’s quickly evidently, however, that if someone really wanted to get at Sarah, it would be awfully easy, just as it’s plain that a cheap horror movie that is stylistically constrained from using shock cuts is going to have fewer jolts than usual. The most alarming effects Kentis and Lau come up with involve quick flashes of an old Polaroid camera that most often show nothing in otherwise dark rooms but occasionally reveal something pretty creepy. "Silent House" is another one of those Scream at the Screen movies, in which you want to shout out advice to a character.

That is fine and dandy until Sarah’s uncle leaves, Sarah’s father gets seriously injured, and Sarah finds herself trapped in the silent house, trying desperately to escape from someone… or something… that doesn’t seem to want her to leave. One could say that the film provides the illusion of being shot in a single take; on close inspection, though, there are several spots where cuts could and no doubt do occur, notably when the camerawork becomes wildly shaky and when the image goes black. Like Open Water and innumerable other budget-challenged horror items, the new film places a limited number of characters in an isolated setting.

Protests last week at Columbia raised concerns of antisemitism after Jewish students said they were subjected to acts of hate, intimidation and harassment. Much like the city itself, design shopping resources in Los Angeles are fantastically vast and wildly creative. AD PRO asked local experts to share some of their favorite home decor shops, from tried-and-true classics to lesser-known treasures in locations ranging from Venice to Pasadena to Orange County. These businesses’ diverse styles translate to endless opportunities for interior design professionals and enthusiasts alike to explore and be inspired. And as is generally the case with L.A., once you dig in, there’s always more to discover. The credit for this skill goes to the directing team of Chris Kentis and Laura Lau, who did the brilliant Open Water.

Chris Kentis and Laura Lau direct Elizabeth Olsen in this real-time thriller about a young woman descending into madness, in theaters this March. And yet, despite the best efforts of the House GOP’s worst people, the investigation did not find any corruption. That’s not to say Biden is a paragon of ethical purity; he’s done a few questionable things, like taking a position at the University of Pennsylvania after his vice presidency that involved a healthy salary and few responsibilities. That kind of sweetheart deal may be a little unseemly, but it’s neither illegal nor particularly uncommon for someone in his position. Hold us accountable and submit your rating of this article on the meter.

She has been confusing the events of her childhood with what she is doing now, likely due to dissociative identity disorder. She assaults John and Peter in her "intruder" mode while simultaneously wandering the house as a victim trying to escape. Outside, she meets Peter, who has returned, and sees a young girl on the road who disappears.

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Custom web design keeps spiders in business › News in Science - ABC News

Custom web design keeps spiders in business › News in Science.

Posted: Wed, 18 Mar 2015 07:00:00 GMT [source]

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